Achieve more with the
success factor Master Trainer.
Well-formulated sales strategies can only be successful if they are implemented resolutely up to the very last component. You must create the optimum conditions so that your sales can achieve resounding success. How is this achieved? At Medtech Sales Service we support you with our dual training principle for sales. In the process we focus, on the one hand, on extensive sales training and, on the other hand, on the appointment of a competent Master Trainer. Both are crucial success factors.
The dual training principle
Product training
We provide extensive training to the distributors and sales employees of a country for the respective medical technology products. We provide extensive information covering every detail about the mode of action, the advantages or limitations as well as the distinctive features of the products and also provide logical argumentation. Naturally this also includes the provision of demonstrative sales documents and product samples. This provides the distributors and sales teams with the competence to convey the products to the target audience in a confident and user-oriented manner.
Master Trainer
In order to support sales and quality assurance we set up a main point of contact in the respective country for issues relating to the sale of the product. We select a sales employee from the team in the respective country and provide intensive training so they become a Master Trainer for their country. Which functions does the Master Trainer fulfil?
The Master Trainer provides information to the distributors and sales employees. - NATIONAL LANGUAGE
The Master Trainer speaks the national language of the sales colleagues and doctors in the respective country. This ensures optimum understanding. - AVAILABILITY
As a national contact partner for distributors and sales employees the Master Trainer can be contacted in the common time zone. This ensures that, unlike international sales structures with different time zones, no precious time is lost, independently of the country of origin of the manufacturer.